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What kinds of services do you offer at the Washington Psychological Center?

We are a diverse collection of psychologists offering a wide array of clinical, assessment, forensic, training, and consultative services. Please visit each partner's individual page to learn more about their background and the services they offer. 



Frequently Asked Questions



What is psychotherapy?

No one definition of psychological health care can adequately describe the process of psychotherapy. The goal of all approaches to psychotherapy, however, is to remedy psychologically based problems in living. Psychotherapy entails a special sort of conversation between a therapist and a client. It is a collaborative effort designed to foster constructive changes and the learning of adaptive ways of reducing stress and distress.

How do I choose a therapist?

Choosing a therapist can be difficult. You will want to assure yourself that your therapist has the proper professional qualifications. Make a personal evaluation in the first session or two of your therapist's understanding of and response to your particular problems. Your feelings of trust and comfort with your therapist should be weighed heavily, since these feelings are important to the hard work that therapy requires.


What if I miss or must cancel a therapy appointment?

Once you have been given an appointment, it is your responsibility to keep and use it. No therapist can be of help to you if you do not keep appointments. Psychotherapy fees are based on time that has been reserved for you. When you miss or cancel an appointment, that time is billed to you unless sufficient forewarning is given to allow your hour to be used by someone else. Typically this means a minimum advance notice of 24 or 48 hours is required to avoid being charged.


What if I need medication?

If medication appears to be an important adjunct to your psychotherapy, your therapist will refer you to a psychiatrist, who will determine your particular needs. The Washington Psychological Center maintains consultant relationships with a number of local psychiatrists for this purpose. Psychopharmacologic treatment, when it is indicated, is coordinated with an overall treatment program.


Will my health insurance cover the cost?

A majority of our clients have health insurance that reimburses the insured for some portion of outpatient psychotherapy fees. To determine the extent of your mental health insurance benefits, you should read your health insurance contract or call your insurance office. If your insurance does not cover these services and finances are a barrier to seeking psychotherapy, a limited number of appointment hours are available at a sliding scale fee.


If I am covered by health insurance, who is responsible for payment?

At the end of each month, your therapist will provide you with a bill for services. Clients are responsible for payment unless otherwise required by your insurance coverage. Your therapist will, of course, cooperate with you in your filing of insurance forms so that you receive appropriate reimbursement from your insurance company for fees that you have paid for psychotherapy.

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